Home Research Reducing crime in public housing areas through community development: An evaluation of the High Density Housing Program in the ACT
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Reducing crime in public housing areas through community development: An evaluation of the High Density Housing Program in the ACT


Anthony Morgan, Rick Brown, Maggie Coughlan, Hayley Boxall & Deanna Davy


The High Density Housing Program (HDHP) is a collaborative program involving Reclink Australia, the Australian Capital Territory Justice and Community Safety Directorate, ACT Housing, ACT Health and ACT Policing. It involves the application of community development approaches to prevent crime and antisocial behaviour at Ainslie Avenue, a large public housing area in the ACT comprising six (previously seven) blocks.

An on-the-ground manager employed by Reclink Australia, maintains a continuing presence across the site, coordinating existing services to residents and introducing new events, activities and programs that provide opportunities for resident interaction and relationship building and that address the needs of residents.

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