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What is the Deck?
The Deck is a clearing house for the housing and homelessness sector in Queensland.
It has emerged from significant interest across the sector including Government and community services, to improve access to research, tools and resources that strengthen practice and build knowledge.
The Deck was commissioned by the Queensland Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (DCHDE) and Q Shelter has been funded as part of the Partnering for Impact strategy, to develop and deliver the project.
Partnering for Impact details the broad directions and initial actions to generate innovation and revitalisation in DCHDE responses to homelessness.
It is a time of change and growth in the housing and homelessness sector under two important initiatives drawing all stakeholders forward in strengthening place-based and person-centred approaches to program design and service delivery.

In this context, The Deck aims to support best practice across Queensland’s housing and homelessness sector through the exchange of information, resources, research, tools and events.
The Deck name and brand was chosen because of the relationship to housing and because a deck is a place to meet, talk, share ideas and information. It is intended to be easy to remember and to symbolise a place where people come together and where connections are strengthened. It is a space to relate, learn and grow our capacity to work with leading ideas in ending homelessness and sustaining tenancies. Queensland Shelter will add functionality and content in several iterations of the site. If you have ideas for improvements to functionality or content, please contact The Deck at hello@thedeck.org.au
All users are encouraged to participate in building the Deck through contributions of events, jobs, resources, and contacts.
Q Shelter manages and moderates all content on the Deck
You can find more information about Q Shelter here.