The Inaugural Healing and Recovery National Roundtable was co-convened by the Australian Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Recovery Alliance and the Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Commission (the Commission). Held on 11th June 2024 at Deakin University, the Roundtable was successful in discussing strategies to contribute to the first Action Plan to address the Recovery pillar of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children
2022-2032 (the National Plan).

The Roundtable was attended by lived experience victim-survivor advocates, domestic, family, and sexual violence practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and key organisations working in the family, domestic and family violence sector. This report presents the findings of the discussions and the recommendations for the different pillars within the Recovery pillar.

It is clear that with a concerted, deliberate, strategic, and well-funded effort, the domestic, family and sexual violence sector will be able to support the recovery and healing of victim-survivors across the different pillars of recovery, including: health and well-being, housing support, economic and financial security, access to safe and responsible justice systems, and centring children and young people and their needs. We envisage that these Recommendations will be inform implementation of the Action Plan of and improve government and service responses to people recovering from domestic, family, and sexual violence.

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