Australian Transport Research Forum
Publication Date
23 February 2025
David Hayward, Harry Wilson, Dykman Consulting

Analysis of Brisbane commuter trip patterns has highlighted similar trends and challenges for the region as per those highlighted by Seamer for Melbourne. This provides insights for areas where there is significant commuter demand for relatively short and circumferential trips across the network with limited supply in the form of attractive active and public transport facilities. To this end, transport infrastructure and technology investments can be assessed and viewed through a different lens with this analysis to support transport network improvements as the city grows to 3.9 million in 2046.

The 2021 ABS Census was the first national survey that provided a snapshot of how travel patterns are evolving in the post-COVID pandemic era, particularly with respect to changes to the level of people working from home spatially through Greater Brisbane.

This type of segmentation can support bespoke and tactical transport planning strategies to better plan transportation system infrastructure investments at the local and regional level throughout South East Queensland, ensuring projected population growth is accommodated in the most efficient and sustainable form.


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