Please see below key updates provided by network members. Note: Service disruptions for all will depend on the severity of this weather event.

Immediate supports

Refuge Shelters

  • Brisbane City Council has opened a temporary Refuge Shelter for residents needing to leave their properties due to the cyclone impacts at the RNA Showgrounds, 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills.
  • Queensland Police Service, Queensland Fire Department, Queensland Ambulance Service and Council staff will be present at the shelters.
  • If you have not already done so, register for Brisbane Severe Weather Alerts. For more information visit or Council’s emergency dashboard.


Homeless Shelters for people sleeping rough

There will be two 24-hour respite hubs supporting rough sleepers in our community during Cyclone Alfred:

  • Kurilpa Hall, 174 Boundary St West End (next to the library). Opens at 12pm Wednesday 5th of March for rough sleepers to take overnight stays. Micah Projects are leading this activation and working in partnership with Communify, QPS, DCHDE and services to assist people to access accommodation.
  • Emmanuel City Mission, 48 Peel St South Brisbane. Opens 7am Wednesday 5th of March and will remain open until 1pm Saturday 8th March.


Service Updates

Communify (Community Service programs)

  • From Thursday 6th March until Monday 10th March – will cease to provide all non-essential services, and all Communify centres and venues will be closed.
  • Frontline service staff will still be contactable via phone during their normal operating hours to provide remote support for community members in need.
  • Communify have put together a great disaster preparedness directory – Read the directory
  • Contact T: (07) 3510 2700 or | E:


Stepping Stones Clubhouse, Coorparoo and North

  • From Thursday 6 until Monday 10 March – Operating virtually, Online work ordered day, outreach to members through online and phone services
  • Depending on extent of the weather related event, may stay closed beyond Monday 10 March.
  • For further information, contact E: Jaimi Rogers | T: 07 3847 1058 | (Stepping Stone Coorparoo); and Stepping Stone North | E:



  • While safe to do so, delivering essential services in the SEQ and North-Eastern NSW from 5/3-7/3. When not safe to deliver these services, working closely with support teams to guide communications with clients, ensuring that our most vulnerable are contacted and assisted.
  • SUSO bus services will be temporarily closed 5/3-7/3.
  • Medicare Mental Health Care Centres will remain open while safe to do so, but if needed, may temporarily close.
  • Care Finders will be working from home from 5/3-7/3.


Brisbane Housing Company (BHC)

  • Closing head office and our site offices from Wed 5 to Fri 7 March 2025.
  • Continuing to be available by phone and email during this time.
  • After hours emergency service will continue to take calls. While we will do our best, we recognise our trades may be limited in their response given safety/demands etc.
  • We have communicated via SMS with the majority of our tenants some basic safety arrangements and office closure details, as well as a link to additional information on our website and the Get Ready Queensland link.
  • Contact Jan Logan E:


One Bridge


YMCA Cannon Hill Community Centre

  • The community centre is closed to the public from 6th of March until the 9th of March at this stage, however our team is available by phone 3517 2424 or email:
  • The Centre may open as a Community Support Hub, possibly from Sunday or Monday onwards.  If the Centre opens as a hub, support provided to impacted community members in the form of access to power (to charge devices etc), water, electricity, tea/coffee, biscuits, towels, bathrooms etc. Update on this potential activation will be based on the severity of the weather event, get back to the Centre to check for damage or power outages.


Drug Arm, Brisbane Services

  • Street outreach service cease 5/3 – 9/3. Staff will working from home. Street Outreach services to resume 10/3. Face-to face counselling to be rescheduled after the 10/3.
  • Contact Jason Durnan


Sisters in the City


Get Ready Queensland
Get Ready Queensland is a year-round program helping all Queenslanders prepare for natural disasters. Being prepared before a disaster hits could be the difference between staying safe or putting yourself in danger. Create an emergency plan at Get Ready QLD. The easy to follow guide will help you know your risks, make a safety plan and make an emergency kit.


Bureau of Meteorology
Visit Bureau of Meteorology for regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring and advice.


ABC Emergency will broadcast regular warnings on ABC Radio. Listen for updates: Monitor ABC Emergency broadcasts for important community information and instructions.

  • Brisbane: 612AM
  • Gold Coast: 91.7FM
  • Sunshine Coast: 90.3FM, 95.3FM or 1566AM
  • Wide Bay: 855AM, 100.1FM, 88.3FM


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