SPER Hardship Partner Pack

The Hardship Partner Program gives realistic options for people in genuine hardship to resolve their debt with State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER). By partnering with community organisations and...

Framework for housing quality

Framework for housing quality outlines the components, related definitions, and scope of the concept of housing quality. Currently, there is no official statistic measuring housing quality in Aotearoa New...

Good Design for Social Housing

This document has been developed by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) in partnership with the Government Architect NSW (GANSW). It explains the relevance of good design for social housing, and...


While this article is a based on USA based law it is worth checking out to inform your own version of such a test. Given Human Rights legislation in Qld it is worth considering how your organisation assesses...

Assemble Housing Developments

Assemble are a housing developer and community management business on a mission to make thoughtfully designed, sustainable homes more accessible to more people. With a deep respect for people and place,...

Community housing models

HOMES VICTORIA 10-YEAR STRATEGY FOR SOCIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISCUSSION PAPER CHIA Vic submission – Homes Victoria 10‑Year Strategy for Social and Affordable Housing Discussion Paper The paper...

City West affordable housing program

As part of the long-term strategy to redevelop the Ultimo/Pyrmont area, the Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 26 City West sets out the planning principles that enabled contributions from the private...