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Strategic Influence
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Special Anti-Poverty Week edition of the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) Talks webinars. Focuses on Ending child poverty in Australia.
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This article offers insights into the how what, why and when of the not in my backyard response to proposed…
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It does not matter how expensive the housing or commercial site to be constructed will be. Those who live close…
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There is real momentum for change to address older person’s homelessness across the country. Our voices are powerful. People speaking…
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We need to let people know we have their backs. We can’t turn back to the brutality of people struggling…
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Mannifera funding can support core operations or be project-specific. They award three types of grants: Signature, Rapid Response, and Capacity…
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Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning could supply up to 160,000 more affordable homes in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne alone. This 3.17minute video…
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The campaign to Raise the Rate for Good is key to reducing poverty and inequality in Australia. The goal of…