The Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 has been introduced in the Queensland Parliament to progress Stage 1 of Queensland’s rental law reform.
The first stage reforms aim to strike the right balance between renters and rental property owner interests for all parties to have:
– more certainty about their tenancy arrangements by encouraging greater transparency and accountability about intentions and decision making
– confidence their rental property is safe, secure and functional by prescribing Minimum Housing Standards
– certainty about how renters experiencing domestic and family violence can manage their tenancy arrangements to improve their safety without bearing the costs of the violence used against them
– frameworks to support negotiations about renting with pets and encourage more pet-friendly rental accommodation in Queensland.
The proposed changes to Queensland’s rental laws have been informed by community consultation with over 150,000 responses received from consultation processes held in 2018 and 2019.
The COVID-19 response for residential tenancies also tested key elements of Stage 1 reform options in 2020 and 2021.