Regional Forum – June 2023

Twice each year, Q Shelter hosts our Regional Representatives from our state-wide network over two days to discuss place-based housing and homelessness challenges, and opportunities specific to their regions. These discussions are then recorded in a communique, which we present to the Queensland Government.

In June 2023, Q Shelter welcomed 43 delegates from a record 19 regions across Queensland, with Gympie, Gladstone and Mount Isa represented for the first time, and additional representation from Central Queensland.

Delegates included: 

  • Regional representatives from housing and homelessness networks across the state
  • Service Integration Initiative (SII) coordinators
  • Queensland housing peak partners
  • Representatives from the Housing Older Women Movement (HOW M), Brisbane City Council, South Burnett Regional Council and the Red Cross. 

 View the attendees list to find out who attended this event.

Hon Meaghan Scanlon MP speaking at the Peaks Partnership lunch
Minister for Housing, Meaghan Scanlon MP, was the keynote speaker at the CEO and Leaders Forum on Day 2.

Communiques from the forum

A key document produced at the forum is a Communique, sent from forum delegates to the Department of Housing. This communique is developed throughout the first day of engagement to clearly communicate the key issues and concerns facing the sector across the state. The state-wide network of Regional Representatives is supported by Q Shelter and demonstrates our long history of supporting place-based approaches to addressing homelessness and housing need.

Regional delegates have been part of Q Shelter’s structure for more than 30 years, and it is an important network for engagement and policy development, and as a platform to amplify new initiatives and regional priority actions.

The communique document serves to support the Department dialogue session on the second day of the forum, and supports the ongoing advocacy work that we progress as a sector, as we work to improve the delivery of housing and homelessness services across the state.

You are welcome to review a copy of the communique that was drafted on 20 June 2023.

The regional forum provides an important opportunity to strengthen networks and make important connections across our large state. We hope this communique demonstrates how we are working together to promote our sector.

Agenda Summary

Presentations for some of the sessions have been linked, click on the session to see the presentation.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022Wednesday, 24 August 2022
9:30amRegistration8:00amNetworking Breakfast
10:00amWelcome to Country, Louisa Bonner9:00amCommunity Housing Futures Project
10:15amIntroduction and ice breaker9:45amShowcase: Gympie Recovery Accommodation Park
10:30amMorning workshop session10:05amRegional Housing Limited Showcase
12:00pmLunch10:30amMorning tea
12:45pmAfternoon workshop session11:00amCommunique Session with Department of Housing
2:00pmCommunique review session11:45amPlenary session
2:45pmQ Shelter updates
3:00pmActive afternoon tea break12:30pmPeaks Partnership CEO and Senior Leaders Lunch
(split session)
Service Integration Initiative3:00pmClose
(split session)
Future of regional representatives
5:00pmDay 1:Wrap up
5:00pmPeaks Partnership Networking event

Showcase presentations

James O’Brien and Vivky Myer from the Department of Housing presented on the Gympie Recovery Accommodation Park.
Gympie Recovery Accommodation Park_QShelter_June 2023

Regional Housing Limited presented their Wide Bay prioritisation process.
Wide Bay Homelessness Response Collaboration Presentation 2023

A few photos from the latest Regional Reps forum

If you think you or your colleagues were featured in one of the other photos taken over the two days, and you’d like a copy, please contact the Q Shelter Communications Team with the details.