Summary of Funding Package:
• $5 million in brokerage funding will be available for specialist homelessness services to provide crisis accommodation and other essential services
• $5 million to assist vulnerable Queenslanders to self-isolate in motels or similar accommodation
• $2 million of bond loans and rental grants to support up to 1,500 people impacted by COVID019 and who have lost their income
• $1.2 million to enhance outreach support for those sleeping rough
• $1 million to support frontline housing and homelessness services to access and pay casual replacement staff
• Up to $2 million to provide deep cleaning of specialist homelessness services and crisis accommodation
• Fast tracking of $2.5 million for the Dignity First Funding for housing and homelessness services to assist vulnerable Queenslanders
• $5 million worth of existing Home Assist Secure (HAS) funding will be retargeted for HAS services to reach out to previous and current clients, and proactively expand their current service offerings for older Queenslanders and people of any age with a disability.