council to homeless persons (chp)
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Better access to housing and income support is needed to address an alarming increase in homelessness among people experiencing mental ill-health says Homelessness Australia as World Homelessness Day and World Mental Health Day coincide on 10 October.

In 2019-20, 88,338 people with mental health issues sought homelessness assistance across Australia, almost double the 44,732 Australians needing assistance in 2011-12*. More recent monthly data shows a further 6% increase between June 2020 and June 2021**.

Homelessness Australia Chair Jenny Smith says growing homelessness among people struggling with their mental health highlights gaps in the safety net, as well as inadequate support for people with mental ill-health.

“If you’re struggling and unable to work it is basically impossible to afford rent on the inadequate JobSeeker payment, and people who need it can’t get into social housing,” Smith says.

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