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- Research
Thesis: This phenomenological study explores how healing and recovery are conceptualized by individuals receiving services at a transitional housing shelter in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, and examines how it aligns with Judith Herman’s trauma recovery framework.
- Research
This research looks at how housing policy and planning can better prepare for natural disasters, and enable recovery from them. It examines institutional arrangements, planning coordination and disaster management responses.
- Research
This paper considers selected research that has suggested why social work as a profession is undervalued in the disaster sector, and reflects on what a social work enhanced disaster sector in Australia could look like.
- Research
This study investigates the lessons learned from adapting the social accelerator model to address community-level trauma and build resilience in a rural setting.
- Research
In this study, we show how the City of Toronto’s data practices offer standardized processes for client care, but frontline workers also engage in heuristic decision-making in their work to navigate uncertainties, client resistance to sharing information, and resource constraints.
- Research
Building on the notion of disenfranchised grief, this study sought to better understand how grief works together with relief to shape older persons’ experiences living in long-term transitional housing.
- Research
This study looks at locations having success in reducing homelessness, and asks how do local, county, state, and federal players, programs, and systems support reducing the number of individuals experiencing homelessness.
- Research
From the AHURI Inquiry: Inquiry into developing a long-term governance and resource framework for sustainable and effective Indigenous housing What this…