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This article examines the role of health leaders in the early stages of a community response to address health and homelessness in London, Ontario.
The aim of this scoping review is to synthesize evidence on SIL among people with lived experience of homelessness and explore how it negatively impacts their wellbeing.
We believe CMS should review services covered by Medicaid programs and remedy this disparity by expanding its coverage of effective interventions targeting SDOH in Medicare (USA).
This article provides initial exploratory analysis of available linked data. In order to improve FDV research insights, it will be important to expand the coverage of FDV identification in linked national data.
Many people experiencing a substance use disorder and/or homelessness have trauma histories. There has not been a review of trauma-informed care (TIC) intervention outcomes among these populations. 
Children now reside in motel rooms intended for seven-day emergency stays for much longer periods of time. Ten key-informant interviews were conducted with service providers supporting children residing in motels in the Waikato region.
The current study reports on the lived experience of homelessness for a sample of people with ID and/or ASD and families supporting adult /children with ID/ASD. Their stories illuminate the complexity and challenges in securing a stable, safe and secure home.
This research documents the necessity of including parents and children exiting tertiary services, who are facing homelessness and housing instability, in future policy development.