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[US government] grants were intended to enhance MAT access in the communities. However, it is unknown whether MAT-PDOA decreases an important consequence of the epidemic in communities: homelessness.

This research analyses the ABS Census to reveal changes in the supply of private rental housing affordable and available to…

Based on qualitative fieldwork in Rotterdam, and using Van Dijk and Steinmetz’s risk model as a theoretical lens, we argue that irregular status, interacting with other relevant factors such as social capital, co-determines the men’s criminal victimization risks, and fear of crime.
Support services for individuals experiencing homelessness are encouraged to use trauma-informed models of care. This paper outlines a trauma-aware framework used for nearly a decade within a youth refuge located in Melbourne, Australia.
In this article, we probe the ethical, empirical, and political dimensions of state-driven responses to the COVID-19 public health crisis, surfacing some of the ways these interventions posed problems for people who are homeless and experience intersecting health and socio-political disparities.
Homelessness Australia’s Homelessness and domestic and family violence: State of Response Report analyses Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data to find 45 per cent of women and girls seeking homelessness assistance do so due to family and domestic violence.
Lack of awareness of and about homeless youth with intellectual disabilities, combined with siloed ways of working by involved sectors, results in significant disadvantage and health inequities for youth.
In this commentary, the authors examine a recent application of wastewater surveillance of COVID-19 in a men’s shelter in Toronto.