
The present study investigated variation in housing insecurity experiences in a sample of mothers, as well as which risk profiles were most strongly associated with subsequent homelessness.
Understanding factors that support housing stability is crucial to ensure the best outcomes for young Aboriginal children and families at a critical period in the life course.
When housing interventions incorporate supportive elements like case management, notable enhancement in health and employment outcomes for the youth are noted compared to housing-only initiatives.
This study sought to describe and explore associations among selected determinants of health and self-reported scores on indicators of psychological capital among youth experiencing homelessness.
International research of childhood residential mobility is associated with multiple long-term adverse outcomes. Although frequent residential mobility could be a marker for familial psychosocial difficulties, the elevated risks were cobserved across the socioeconomic spectrum, and mobility may be intrinsically harmful.

Abstract Homelessness is a devastating experience for children and their families. Families, the majority of whose members are children, now…

Cairns Homelessness Evaluation Mission Australia recently released our evaluation of Mission Australia’s Cairns Homelessness Services The full report and infographic are available here:

Youth Homelessness remains a significant social issue in Australia. When young people are forced to leave home early, they find…