- Research
A study to examine retention in primary care among clients of a novel interdisciplinary primary care clinic in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, Canada who did not previously have access to care.
- Research
This study investigated the effectiveness of the ‘Housing First’ approach in supporting care leavers’ transition to independent living in Malta.
- Research
This study aimed to assess the extent to which the association between housing tenure and disability-free life years is independent of socio-demographic circumstances from earlier in life.
- Research
Housing is a critical social determinant of children’s health. We aim to identify typologies of children’s housing disadvantage and describe the health inequities they generate.
- Research
This study evaluated an emergency housing accommodation with low support to assess its feasibility and impact.
- Research
This study assessed the physical and psychological health parameters of adults experiencing homelessness to inform the development and delivery of health services by comparing with a housed population in the South Australian city of Adelaide.
- Research
This paper presents First Nations peoples’ perspectives and proposed solutions to problematic communication experiences at Royal Darwin Hospital in northern Australia.
- Research
This article explores the crucial role of ‘place’ as an ecological, social and cultural determinant of health and well-being, with a focus on the benefits and challenges of living rurally and remotely in Australia.