Research / Reports

Drawing on qualitative research conducted in Australia that explored women’s experiences of homelessness and pregnancy, this article discusses how mothering subjectivities are generated through constructed notions of the ‘good’ mother and the barriers mothers face in both enacting these discourses and in meeting the high moral standards of ‘good’ mothering without adequate resources and structural supports.
By considering the use of hotels in the UK and Australia, we argue that the hotel is a durable and vitally important site of bordering, one that manifests many of the tensions and contradictions of state responses to asylum seekers and refugees.

This research Inquiry investigated different ways to predict local population growth and change. It looked at what drives people to…

This article reveals competing representations of DFV-related housing precarity between housing and criminal justice policies, producing uneven effects for DFV victim-survivors.
This research examines the consequences when households face the possibility of being evicted, or are actually evicted. Through in-depth interviews with 53 private tenants in New South Wales and Queensland, we found these experiences negatively shaped people’s lives well into the future.
In this commentary, we reflect on the experiences of two Researchers with Lived Expertise/Experience of Homelessness, and a Senior Research Associate who all worked together on a recent study.
Transport infrastructure and technology investments can be assessed and viewed through a different lens with this analysis to support transport network improvements as Brisbane’s population grows to 3.9 million in 2046.
This research from Aotearoa/New Zealand shows the commitment of people struggling against the housing odds to make life better for themselves and their communities. The research demonstrates how much more could be achieved through stable and affordable housing and what is at the heart of a home.