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Urban Planning
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Transport infrastructure and technology investments can be assessed and viewed through a different lens with this analysis to support transport network improvements as Brisbane’s population grows to 3.9 million in 2046.
- Research
This research from Aotearoa/New Zealand shows the commitment of people struggling against the housing odds to make life better for themselves and their communities. The research demonstrates how much more could be achieved through stable and affordable housing and what is at the heart of a home.
- Research
Australia’s housing crisis has sparked debate over the future of aging public housing, with plans to demolish 44 Melbourne high-rise…
- Research
This chapter reports on the application of urban transition frameworks and processes in the development and implementation of a new planning model for regenerating and re-urbanising Australia’s low-density, car-dependent greyfield suburbs: the established, ageing, but well-located middle-ring suburbs built in the post-war era on larger lots.
- Research
This study examines urban policymakers’ perceptions about causal relationships in the urban system as revealed in urban planning reports.
- Research
This article argues that accommodating homeless women in industrial areas on the outskirts of the city is an accommodation strategy which increases these women’s precarity.
- Research
Using seven medium-density housing developments in three New Zealand cities, we explore the relationship between medium-density and greenspace quality.
- Research
This study is the first to document informal housing practices in Australian cities using 2021–2022 data gathered through web scraping.