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Urban Planning
- Research
The article illuminates how local government uses strategic planning in a context characterized as neo-liberalist-oriented housing market, to frame the broad varieties of planning and policy-instruments they possess to reach the goal of more inclusive housing markets.
- Research
This report presents findings from interviews with organisations engaged in the production of accessible, small dwellings (between 45m2 and 75m2) in the mainstream housing stock.
- Research
This study attempts to explore factors that may attract institutional investors to invest in affordable housing funds in Malaysia.
- Research
This article contributes to scholarship that conceptualises housing, particularly social housing, as an infrastructure of care.
- Research
This article explores the relationships between gentrification and the realization of the 15-minute city vision in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Research
This study examines the place-based factors (i.e. that may be specific to a place) that influence people moving to and from Australian regional and rural areas and considers policy solutions for managing the impacts of this change.
- Research
…this chapter seeks to recast the impetus for, and objectives of, regeneration in ways that better acknowledge and accord with the diversity of contexts, markets, and coalitions of interest in Australia’s variegated suburban landscapes.
- Research
A new national housing and homelessness plan provides an opportunity to fund place-based local government homelessness prevention and early intervention activities.