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Urban Planning
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Despite the attention sustainability-related urban measurement and assessment methods have received it is still not well understood how accurate (or…
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Brisbane is a great place to live, work, and relax – it’s no wonder our city is growing. Together we’ve…
- Research
The Queensland Government established the State Planning Policy (SPP) to define the matters of state interest in land-use planning and…
- Research
State planning instruments set out the state and regional planning interests critical to responsible land-use planning and development across Queensland….
- Research
The Queensland Government has established the Housing Supply Expert Panel (HSEP). The panel will play a critical role in delivery…
- Research
In Australia, the task of supplying social and affordable housing has generally been borne by broad-based tax systems operated by…
- Research
SGS Economics & Planning has released an Occasional Paper analysing the economic merits of Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) for affordable housing….