Service Integration

Service Integration works across Queensland to strengthen local service systems to deliver sustainable housing and comprehensive support pathways for people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Service Integration is delivered in 12 priority locations across Queensland.

Contact your Service Integration Facilitator for Service Integration

Service Integration Groups

Service Integration Groups bring together housing providers, specialist homelessness services, and a variety of other services to plan coordinated support and sustainable housing outcomes for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. These groups use models and approaches responding to local need.

Service Integration Facilitators

Service Integration Facilitators facilitate Service Integration Groups and engage in regional projects that address service system gaps through collaboration with key stakeholders, including government and non-government agencies.

Backbone Support

The backbone role provides assistance to housing and homelessness networks, Service Integration Facilitators and Service Integration Groups operating across Queensland. This support includes enabling and facilitating a consistent data collection approach and the leading the state-wide Action Research framework to test outcomes and impact of the program.

Click here to see the Service Integration Initiative Flyer

Service Integration Dashboards

CairnsFiona OatesCairns Housing and Homelessness Integrated Initiative (CHHII)
Young Parents Coordinated Care Program (YPCCP)
fiona.oates@qshelter.asn.auCHHII referral form

"For information on YPCCP, contact the Service Integration Facilitator"
TownsvilleKym MusumeciTownsville Housing Integrated Response Group (THIRG)kym.musumeci@qshelter.asn.auTHIRG referral form
MackayYvonne HarrisMackay Service Integration Group (MCCG)yvonne.harris@qshelter.asn.auMSIG Consent and Referral Form
Wide BayCarole MedcalfWide Bay Bundaberg Service Integration Group (WBBCCG)
Wide Bay Fraser Coast Service Integration Group (WBFCCCG) and WBFCCCG referral form
Sunshine CoastTracey McNeeSunshine Coast Service Integration Group (SCCCG) referral form
Moreton BayShane FrostMoreton Bay North Service Integration Group (MBNCCG)
Moreton Bay South Service Integration Group (MBSCCG) and MBSCCG referral form
BrisbanePhilip Smith and Daniel Taber-KennedyBrisbane North Community Connections (BNCC)
Brisbane Under 1 Roof (U1R)
Brisbane South West Service Integration Network (SWSIN)
brisbanesii@qshelter.asn.auBrisbane SII Consent and Referral Form
RedlandsBree TukavkinRedland Homeless Service Integration Group (RHCCG)redlands@qshelter.asn.auRHSIG Consent and Referral Form
LoganRebecca HintonLogan Housing and Homelessness Service Integration Group (LHCCG)logancc@qshelter.asn.auLHHSIG Consent and Referral Form
IpswichAbigail DixonIpswich Service Integration Group (ICCG)ipswich@qshelter.asn.auISIG Consent and Referral Form
Gold CoastTeagan Craig Gold Coast Service Integration Group (GCCCG)
Gold Coast Rough Sleepers Working Group (GCRSWG) Consent and Referral Form
Central QueenslandJohn ClaytonCentral Queensland Housing and Homelessness Integration Initiative (CQHHII)john.clayton@qshelter.asn.auCQHHII Consent and Referral Form
ToowoombaAnna FalconerToowoomba Care Coordination Group (TCCG) Consent and Referral Form
South BurnettLynda HaySouth Burnett Housing Integrated Response Group (SBHIRG) Consent and Referral Form

How to use the Dashboards

The below dashboards are interactive. To use these dashboards, select:

  • the Service Integration Groups/s you are interested in by using the drop down option ‘Service Integration Groups’.
  • the date you are interested in by using the drop down option ‘Date’.
  • a specific cohort by clicking on the section of the dashboard you are interested in (e.g. Single Only row under ‘Family Type’ or the Over 55 number under ‘Demographics’). The dashboard will update with information pertaining to this cohort

N.B. the data is updated every month, refer to the bottom right corner of the dashboards on when they were last updated. Please note that the dashboards present information up to the month prior of when the report was pulled (i.e. if the data was pulled on 11/02/2024, the report is up to date as of January 2024).

For more information, go to the second page on either of these dashboards.

Service Integration works to:

  • strengthen the collaboration and integration of housing, homelessness and the broader service system to better respond and support people with complex enduring needs who are at risk of, or are experiencing, homelessness; and
  • support service system strengthening and identify and respond to local service system gaps, trends and emerging issues across the priority locations.

Service Integration is funded by the Department of Housing, and delivered by a collaboration of agencies: Encircle, Footprints Community, Gold Coast Homelessness Network, Integrated Family and Youth Services (IFYS) and Q Shelter.

N.B. Service Integration has updated terminology in April 2024. These updates include the following changes:

  • Care Coordination Group – Service Integration Group
  • Regional Care Coordinators – Service Integration Facilitators

As we update documentation and names to reflect these changes, there will be some information that uses old terminology.