
The third issue of Priced Out examines the incomes of people earning between $40,000 through to $130,000 to see how much of their income they would need to spend to rent a typical unit across regional areas and capital cities.
This study critically examines the structural, policy, and market-related factors contributing to the crisis, with a particular focus on Community Housing Organizations to deliver housing solutions.
This paper investigates the causal effect of income inequality on housing affordability in 35 OECD countries from 2000 to 2021.
This paper evaluates the effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Care, Housing First, and refugee-focused mental health policies across different global contexts, analyzing outcomes, scalability, and implementation challenges.
How selling state homes in affluent New Zealand suburbs creates hidden costs, social displacement and a housing crisis we can’t afford.
Drawing on qualitative research conducted in Australia that explored women’s experiences of homelessness and pregnancy, this article discusses how mothering subjectivities are generated through constructed notions of the ‘good’ mother and the barriers mothers face in both enacting these discourses and in meeting the high moral standards of ‘good’ mothering without adequate resources and structural supports.
This article illustrates several state ordinances criminalizing the homeless population’s use of encampments and proposes an international framework within an Eighth Amendment analysis
By considering the use of hotels in the UK and Australia, we argue that the hotel is a durable and vitally important site of bordering, one that manifests many of the tensions and contradictions of state responses to asylum seekers and refugees.