Melbourne City Mission
Publication Date
29 September 2023

Youth housing and homelessness organisations are providing a framework for consideration in the design of a fit-for-purpose youth housing model.

This framework provides a foundation for ongoing discussion and represents our ask of the Australian Government, which is:

The design and implementation of a dedicated and fit-for-purpose youth housing model.

The framework relates to young people aged 15-24 who are engaged with the homelessness service system. It is not predicated on a young person’s lifelong interactions with social housing, rather it seeks a response that empowers our young people with the skills and resilience needed to transition to adulthood and
achieve sustainable, functional outcomes – enabling them to progress towards greater housing independence and, when appropriate, exit the supported housing system.

We recognise that focused thinking, planning and engagement will be required to ensure the model works effectively for different jurisdictional governments, the sector and most importantly, young people. We also understand the significance of this commitment – but we too are part of the solution. Given this, we invite the Australian Government to partner with us in creating an effective and efficient model, aligned with its priorities in improving outcomes for young people.

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