Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee
Publication Date
26 April 2024

On 8 December 2023, the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee Act 2023 (the Act) received Royal Assent, establishing the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee (the Committee). The Committee takes the place of the Interim Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee established in November 2022.

The Committee provides non-binding advice on boosting economic inclusion and tackling disadvantage, including policy settings, systems and structures, and the adequacy, effectiveness and sustainability of income support payments. Its advice is to be delivered ahead of every Federal Budget.

The Committee is comprised of social security and economics experts and leaders from the community sector, advocacy organisations, unions, business, and philanthropy. A list of current members of the Committee can be found in Appendix A. Legislation which provides the Terms of Reference for the Committee can be found in Appendix B.

The Committee’s 2024 Report aims to assist the Government in its ongoing efforts to improve support for vulnerable people in Australia and enable wider economic and social participation. We recognise it is for the Government to determine whether to accept our advice and note the Government’s consideration and potential approval of the Committee’s recommendations must ensure the long-term sustainability of the social security system and minimise the impact on long-term debt.

In compiling this Report, the Committee held consultations with people who interact with Australia’s social security system. The Committee is grateful to those who participated in these consultations, who greatly helped to guide our advice and to improve our recommendations. We have reflected some of the experiences generously shared with us through composite and individual stories from participants, as well as the service experience of Committee members at the start of each chapter and in quotes throughout the Report. Now the Committee is permanently established, it will be possible to improve the way we consult in an ongoing way. The Committee also recommends that people with current or recent direct experience of the income support system be members of the Committee to help ensure that priorities for reform are informed by people receiving income support.

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