Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN)
Publication Date
6 March 2017
Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN)

Queenslanders with Disability Network’s (QDN) housing position paper Going for Gold: Accessible, Affordable Housing Now unapologetically promotes the perspectives of people with disability.

Housing is a fundamental need and human right and key to enabling people with disability to be included in community and family life, and to participate fully as citizens within Australian society.

QDN has a strong history of taking leadership on many key issues and policy reforms which impact upon people with disability, and housing has consistently been identified as the number one priority amongst QDN’s statewide members.

Going for Gold: Accessible, Affordable Housing Now contains four key principles, 11 major recommendations and a number of strategic actions that can be taken now by Government, private and community sector stakeholders to address this fundamental human need and human right – to have a place to call home.

The paper’s intent is to provide direction for government, statutory bodies and the private, public and community sectors going forward.

The paper’s principles and recommendations target actions to achieve a more inclusive housing system where people with disability have secure, affordable, accessible and well-located housing in the same way as other Australians.

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