Publication Date
19 November 2021
Ernst & Young

Ernst & Young (EY) was engaged by Housing for the Aged Action Group Inc. (“HAAG”) to conduct an economic appraisal of the ‘Home at Last’ (“HAL”) housing information and support service (the “Service”).

The Service involves six core services, which assist older people at-risk of homelessness in navigating the housing system and accessing safe, affordable, and appropriate housing. The purpose of this Report is to document the findings and methodology of an economic appraisal undertaken for this Service.

Core elements of the Service include:
► Community education – targeted community education sessions run for both the general community and specific communities.
► Intake assessment and warm referrals – one-on-one appointment to discuss clients’ unique circumstances and applicable options.
► Housing options information and navigation – information provided on all forms of available housing (including retirement housing) and assistance in navigating the system of housing options.
► Housing support, relocation and linkages – one-on-one support through the application process, attending offer interviews, brokerage services, and support during and post relocation –
including assistance to physically move and set up a new home and information on other relevant social services and assistance programs.
► Tenancy advice – advice provided on a client’s current tenancy situation and options.
► Professional education and network development – professional education sessions provided to service providers that interact with older people to inform them on the issues facing older people at risk of homelessness.

Overall, the Service delivers value for money with annual Net Benefits of $1.3 million (in 2021 dollars) and a Benefit Cost Ratio of 2.3. Essentially this means that every dollar spent on HAL services generates at least $2.3 of societal value.

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