Home Research Identifying 2SLGBTQ+ individuals experiencing homelessness using Point-in-Time counts: Evidence from the 2021 Toronto Street Needs Assessment survey
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Identifying 2SLGBTQ+ individuals experiencing homelessness using Point-in-Time counts: Evidence from the 2021 Toronto Street Needs Assessment survey


Alex Abramovich, Max Marshall, Christopher Webb, Nicole Elkington, Rowen K. Stark, Nelson Pang, Linda Wood


The objective of this study was to utilize the data generated by the City of Toronto, Street Needs Assessment conducted in 2021 to explore the prevalence, causes, experiences, and characteristics of 2-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (2SLGBTQ+) individuals experiencing homelessness in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Data was collected by the City of Toronto during its Street Needs Assessment in April 2021. The Street Needs Assessment is a needs assessment survey and Point-in-Time count of people experiencing homelessness across the city of Toronto. Homelessness included any individual who was sleeping outdoors or staying in City-administered emergency/transitional shelters and shelter motels/hotels on the night of data collection.

Two hundred and eighty-eight 2SLGBTQ+ individuals completed the survey. Compared to non-2SLGBTQ+ individuals experiencing homelessness, 2SLGBTQ+ respondents were younger at the time of survey completion and when they first experienced homelessness, were more likely to have been in foster care or a group home, reported higher rates of conflict with and/or abuse by a parent/guardian as their main pathway into homelessness, and were more likely to experience chronic homelessness.

Our study results demonstrate that Street Needs Assessments and Point-in-Time counts can be used to examine homelessness in marginalized populations, including 2SLGBTQ+ individuals and that sexual orientation and gender identity questions need to be included on future government surveys. The consistency of findings from this study and previous research suggests that 2SLGBTQ+ individuals experience a significant need for population-based housing and social support services aimed at meeting the needs of 2SLGBTQ+ populations.

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