2021 Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Health.
Publication Date
13 August 2021
2021 Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Health.

This roadmap aims to address serious health inequities faced by people with intellectual disability.
It outlines how we can create a health system where people with intellectual disability are valued, respected and have access to high quality, timely and comprehensive health care.
People with intellectual disability and their families and carers deserve access to high-quality health care that meets their needs and supports them to lead healthy and active lives.
The National Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual Disability (the Roadmap) is a landmark document that puts people with intellectual disability at the centre of the reform process and sets out a comprehensive range of actions to improve their health outcomes.
It will form part of the Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan, which is currently under development.
The Roadmap is the culmination of a series of consultations with a broad range of stakeholders, held between August 2019 and March 2021.
In this process, the Department of Health consulted: people with intellectual disability; family members and other carers; advocacy organisations; clinicians and researchers; peak bodies; universities; disability service providers; state and territory health and disability agencies; other relevant Commonwealth agencies; and a number of health professional regulatory bodies, boards and councils.
The Australian Government greatly appreciates the commitment and participation of these stakeholders in developing the Roadmap.

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