Discover, use and request Queensland Government open data.
The new and improved Queensland Government open data portal is now available.
You will notice a new look on the home page with changes to the menu options and better links to relevant information. The dataset pages also have a more user-friendly layout making it easier than ever to locate Queensland Government open data.
Beyond the user-interface changes, we wanted to enhance our support to the open data community by providing a platform for open data conversations. To this end, users can now request new or further open data directly through the portal. No emails required. In addition, users wishing to provide dataset or data request feedback, or ask questions, will be able to add a comment on the relevant page. All open data users are encouraged to register and participate.
At a technical level, we have made some metadata changes which will improve consistency, relevance and a user’s ability to find Queensland Government datasets using popular search engines. What’s more, relevant datasets now display the achievement of Open Data Certificates, providing further confidence in data quality.
With the portal now featuring more than 2,700 datasets and 11,200 resources, you can search and access Queensland Government open data to gain new insights, a competitive advantage or perhaps create an app providing a valuable service. With licences that allow for data use and reuse, it’s easy to use Queensland Government open data to suit your needs and interests.