Home Research Report on Government Services: Productivty Commission Inquiry into Housing and Homelessness Services
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Report on Government Services: Productivty Commission Inquiry into Housing and Homelessness Services


Australian Government


The main aim of housing and homelessness sector services is to ensure that all Australians have access to affordable, safe and sustainable housing — a vital determinant of wellbeing that is associated with better outcomes in health, education and employment, as well as economic and social participation.1

Services included in the sector
There are three main areas of government involvement in the housing and homelessness sector:

Social housing services
1. Subsidised rental housing provided by not-for-profit, non‑government or government organisations to assist people who are unable to access suitable accommodation through the private market.
2. Specialist homelessness services
Direct assistance for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including accommodation and other services.
3. Financial assistance (private housing) — private rental assistance and home purchase assistance (not covered in the housing and homelessness chapters) as targeted payments to assist access to private housing and reduce demand on social housing and homelessness services.

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