Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness
Publication Date
12 February 2024
Anna Klarare, Veronica Ekström, Tove Godskesen, Jeanette Westman, Elisabet Mattsson, Åsa Kneck

People in homelessness face significant health inequities, with tri-morbidity, exposure to violence, substance use- and post-traumatic stress disorder. The aim of this scoping review was to describe treatments for trauma-related conditions for persons in homelessness.

Systematic searches were performed in three databases: PubMed, PsycInfo and Scopus, guided by the PRISMA checklist. Nine studies fulfilled the criteria and were included in the review. Results show no randomized studies specifically focusing on treatment of trauma-related conditions for people in homelessness. Studies described interventions or programs that focused on consolidating and developing participants’ own strengths and skills to better navigate life with the challenges of homelessness, trauma, and PTSD.

Treatment of trauma-related conditions may have positive effects for people in homelessness, as for others. Multimodal treatments, developing personal strengths and skills for people in homelessness, show potential to decrease trauma symptoms, however, more robust studies are needed for inferences and recommendations.

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