
A scoping review of the Australian and international empirical grey literature (non-commercial or academic publications) with the aim of identifying the key factors that enable smooth transitions from out-of-home care, including for Indigenous populations.
Trauma-informed design is an inventive architectural methodology that integrates trauma responsiveness into the design of shelters and supportive accommodations for children and youths.
During a three-hour workshop, we spoke to 45 staff from 21 different organisations to understand child poverty in Western Australia from the very people who see it every day.
Housing is a critical social determinant of children’s health. We aim to identify typologies of children’s housing disadvantage and describe the health inequities they generate.

In this first year, the Uniting Families Report has uncovered a richness in family types that are raising children and…

This analysis indicates that children tend to be healthier and more successful growing up in compact neighborhoods where residents frequently walk and bicycle, drive less at lower speeds, have affordable housing and travel options, are integrated by income and background, and have sufficient parks and greenspace.
Based on a novel approach describing workforce distribution, our analysis of the Greater Sydney statistical area in Australia found that not only is the city unaffordable for the school education workforce, but unobserved characteristics fill the income to cost gap.
We used new data from the 2021 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Household Component to provide the first nationally representative estimates of ACEs-related health care utilization and expenditure differences based on direct observation.