Community Housing Provision

By considering the use of hotels in the UK and Australia, we argue that the hotel is a durable and vitally important site of bordering, one that manifests many of the tensions and contradictions of state responses to asylum seekers and refugees.
Little research compares the financial costs of alternative and traditional shelter models. The research team analyzed cost data for 13 alternative shelters and nine traditional congregate shelters in Portland, Oregon.
This article provides an autoethnographic analysis of my experiences of administrating and supporting transitional housing programs in Canada.

Australia’s housing crisis has sparked debate over the future of aging public housing, with plans to demolish 44 Melbourne high-rise…

A systematic review of literature, which examines the terms “social housing” and “affordable housing”, was conducted to examine key issues related to economic stability, economic efficiency, health, and social integration of residents in different national contexts.
This paper discusses co-housing and its role as sustainable architecture to support various aspects of the life of communities and the environment. This research is important because the potential of co-housing settlements to improve the social and mental well-being of their residents has not been widely discussed.
This research examined the barriers and enablers to leaving or avoiding residential aged care for Australian younger people who are not NDIS participants.
This article provides an autoethnographic analysis of my experiences of administrating and supporting transitional housing programs in Canada.