Community Housing Provision

Gender-diverse youth experience twice the risk for homelessness as their same-age cisgender peers and report experiencing discrimination in homeless shelters and supported housing.
Children now reside in motel rooms intended for seven-day emergency stays for much longer periods of time. Ten key-informant interviews were conducted with service providers supporting children residing in motels in the Waikato region.
This research documents the necessity of including parents and children exiting tertiary services, who are facing homelessness and housing instability, in future policy development.
Researchers have found that 50% of homeless individuals have a substance use disorder with a reduction in life expectancy compared to the general population. This generic qualitative study explored the perspectives of individuals with substance use experience about Housing First programs and harm reduction strategies accessed that helped them to overcome system related barriers.
The present study investigated variation in housing insecurity experiences in a sample of mothers, as well as which risk profiles were most strongly associated with subsequent homelessness.
This study contributes significantly to the discourse on housing policies and sustainability, advocating for an inclusive and environmentally conscious approach to the global housing deficit.
This paper describes how the Social Impact Bonds financing mechanism underpinned the success of Aspire by promoting flexible, collaborative, outcome-focussed and data-informed responses to a challenging, multifaceted social problem.
This research investigates how policy makers and housing providers can use other forms of housing assistance to support people who are otherwise eligible for social housing.