Home Domestic and Family Violence
Domestic and Family Violence
- Research
This article reveals competing representations of DFV-related housing precarity between housing and criminal justice policies, producing uneven effects for DFV victim-survivors.
- Research
This Handbook of Practice aims to develop a framework to address gender-based violence with a trauma-informed lens, and with a particular focus on access to justice.
- Research
The Inaugural Healing and Recovery National Roundtable was co-convened by the Australian Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Recovery Alliance and…
- Research
Few studies have examined the interplay between IPV, homelessness, and housing. Qualitative methods can provide a greater understanding of the lived experience of IPV and homelessness to identify potential solutions.
- Research
This article provides initial exploratory analysis of available linked data. In order to improve FDV research insights, it will be important to expand the coverage of FDV identification in linked national data.
- Research
This paper explores the results of a study conducted in collaboration with the homelessness sector in central London and an academic team. The results highlight the presence of a high-cost, high-risk population of women who are characterised by sustained and recurrent experience of homelessness, housing exclusion, and deprivation and who make repeated and sustained use of homelessness and other services without escaping homelessness.
- Research
This integrative review summarises original research that explores women’s experiences of escaping domestic violence to achieve safe housing.
- Research
Promoting the voices of young women through in-depth interviews, this article considers their story of violence, abuse, homelessness, and sense of safety.