First Nations peoples

Drawing on research from a project on Māori conceptions of home and wellbeing, this article explores Indigenous experiences of home and place, which highlights Māori resistance to colonising narratives that associate place and home with economic wealth and power.
This is a submission from Central Australian Aboriginal Congress to the development of the Northern Territory Homelessness Strategy 2025-30.
This research examines the relationship of First Nations peoples in Australia to urban policy, and is designed to centre First Nations sovereignty, authority, knowledge, governance and agency as the starting point toward a more responsible relationship.
This paper presents First Nations peoples’ perspectives and proposed solutions to problematic communication experiences at Royal Darwin Hospital in northern Australia.
Understanding factors that support housing stability is crucial to ensure the best outcomes for young Aboriginal children and families at a critical period in the life course.
This research explores mobility patterns of Indigenous people living on Country and its impact on the planning of housing, infrastructure and services within remote communities.