
This analysis indicates that children tend to be healthier and more successful growing up in compact neighborhoods where residents frequently walk and bicycle, drive less at lower speeds, have affordable housing and travel options, are integrated by income and background, and have sufficient parks and greenspace.
This review aims to synthesize the evidence related to the health promotion actions among people experiencing homelessness and the barriers and facilitators they experience in accessing health-promoting information and services.
We sought to explore how a mobile crisis team (MCT) in one city served the needs and supported the long- and short-term goals of people experiencing homelessness who had recently received MCT services.
This narrative review sought to answer the question: What are the reasons that homeless individuals report for being unsheltered?
This article examines the role of health leaders in the early stages of a community response to address health and homelessness in London, Ontario.
We believe CMS should review services covered by Medicaid programs and remedy this disparity by expanding its coverage of effective interventions targeting SDOH in Medicare (USA).
Many people experiencing a substance use disorder and/or homelessness have trauma histories. There has not been a review of trauma-informed care (TIC) intervention outcomes among these populations. 
Community health needs assessments (CHNA) involving qualitative techniques help tailor health services to the specific needs of the population groups for whom they are designed. This study used an ethnographic approach grounded in a social constructivist research paradigm to explore the perspectives of PEH attending a primary care and addiction service in Ireland on their priority health and healthcare needs.