
We believe CMS should review services covered by Medicaid programs and remedy this disparity by expanding its coverage of effective interventions targeting SDOH in Medicare (USA).
Many people experiencing a substance use disorder and/or homelessness have trauma histories. There has not been a review of trauma-informed care (TIC) intervention outcomes among these populations. 
Community health needs assessments (CHNA) involving qualitative techniques help tailor health services to the specific needs of the population groups for whom they are designed. This study used an ethnographic approach grounded in a social constructivist research paradigm to explore the perspectives of PEH attending a primary care and addiction service in Ireland on their priority health and healthcare needs.
Even when high-quality, evidence-based social-emotional supports and services are available, accessing them can be challenging, confusing, or impossible for some families, especially for families experiencing homelessness.
Involvement of people with lived experience of homelessness is important in developing palliative care research. This paper begins to outline some contextual considerations for promoting involvement in a complex and intricate field of research.
Peer and lay health worker programs aim to increase access to health care and improve health outcomes for PEH by building trust and empowering community-based workers.
People experiencing homelessness have been found to have a high risk of violent crime victimisation as well as high prevalence of psychiatric disorders. It is poorly understood whether experiencing homelessness is associated with additional risks of violent offending and whether psychiatric disorders contribute to these risks. We examined the association between homelessness, psychiatric disorders, and first violence offence leading to conviction.
Multiple studies over the past several decades have shown high burden of medical disease and marked early mortality among chronically homeless adults. Many community-based organizations, policy makers, and health care providers have sought to address these individuals’ medical vulnerability and complex needs by helping them secure and maintain housing.