People with disability

This article provides an autoethnographic analysis of my experiences of administrating and supporting transitional housing programs in Canada.
This research aims to build a better understanding also of government, industry and not-for-profit roles in shaping industry structure and driving new urban forms, and improving the adoption of liveable and accessible design outcomes.
This study aimed to assess the extent to which the association between housing tenure and disability-free life years is independent of socio-demographic circumstances from earlier in life.
This research examined the barriers and enablers to leaving or avoiding residential aged care for Australian younger people who are not NDIS participants.
This article provides an autoethnographic analysis of my experiences of administrating and supporting transitional housing programs in Canada.
The current study reports on the lived experience of homelessness for a sample of people with ID and/or ASD and families supporting adult /children with ID/ASD. Their stories illuminate the complexity and challenges in securing a stable, safe and secure home.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability’s Final Report identified multiple barriers preventing people…

This research explores the complex interaction between the Specialist Disability Accommodation program and the social housing sector, including participants’ experience of accessing these homes and the extent to which the homes are equipped with assistive technology.