- Research
When housing interventions incorporate supportive elements like case management, notable enhancement in health and employment outcomes for the youth are noted compared to housing-only initiatives.
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This integrative review summarises original research that explores women’s experiences of escaping domestic violence to achieve safe housing.
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A qualitative study using a phenomenological design was conducted and eight homeless recidivist women around Jalan Chow Kit were interviewed. The research findings led to the discovery of two main themes namely; personal factors and structural factors which notably influence the re-involvement of homeless recidivist women in criminal activities.
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Promoting the voices of young women through in-depth interviews, this article considers their story of violence, abuse, homelessness, and sense of safety.
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This review synthesised the evidence on the effectiveness and acceptability of interventions which aim to improve mental health outcomes in homeless women.
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Homelessness Australia’s Homelessness and domestic and family violence: State of Response Report analyses Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data to find 45 per cent of women and girls seeking homelessness assistance do so due to family and domestic violence.
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Explores the impacts of gender in understanding housing and homelessness issues and shows that people’s housing opportunities, pathways, assistance and outcomes are affected by their gender.
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This study systematically reviewed the literature examining women’s experiences of menstruation whilst being homeless.