Young People

This paper explores the experiences of young people in Queensland, Australia, under child protection orders who leave approved out-of-home care…

A significant proportion of young people exiting Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) encounter substantial challenges in securing housing, often leading to homelessness…

The purpose of this study was to gain deeper insight into the barriers to, and strategies for, service engagement among young people who require support from multiple services.
Trauma-informed design is an inventive architectural methodology that integrates trauma responsiveness into the design of shelters and supportive accommodations for children and youths.
This systematic review collates, synthesises, and appraises the academic and grey literature on UK studies reporting associations between youth homelessness and offending behaviours.
This research examined the barriers and enablers to leaving or avoiding residential aged care for Australian younger people who are not NDIS participants.
Using data from a randomized controlled trial on Housing First for Youth, this study examines qualitative narratives delving into the process of resilience (i.e., stressors, coping, and positive adaptation) among 21 youth over one year.
This study explores the development of youth-centric social housing in Nigeria, addressing the critical need for innovative and sustainable housing solutions tailored to the nation’s growing youth population.