Resources on the Dept’s Website
A range of resources is available to find out more about the Queensland Housing Investment Growth Initiative (QHIGI) procurement process.
More resources will be added to this site as they become available so please check back soon.
It is essential to register for updates to ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest details of the Queensland Housing Investment Growth Initiative.
You can also ask a question online.
Q Shelter is also fully engaged with this process as a member of the Community Housing Steering Committee together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland and CHIA Qld
We will be working with these Peak Bodies and the sector to ensure we are monitoring progress and outcomes as a basis for responding to challenges and opportunities.
Q Shelters Feeling Sessions will be a forum for asking questions and exploring the scope of the opportunities.
There will also be a session on QHIGI at the Q Shelter CEO and Leaders’ Forum followed by the Q Shelter AGM and End of Year Celebration.
Please contact Q Shelter on 3831 5900 if you require more information.
Q Shelter will assist in keeping you informed of other progress.