ABCB Standard for Livable Housing Design (mandatory)

Australian Building Codes Board
Publication Date
24 April 2023



The ABCB has released 2 new publications to support practitioners’ understanding of the new livable housing design provisions in the NCC, and the ABCB Standard for Livable Housing Design. Livable housing is housing that includes features that better meet the needs of the community, including older people and people with mobility limitations.These non-mandatory documents include the ABCB Handbook for Livable Housing Design and the ABCB Voluntary Standard for Livable Housing Design: Beyond Minimum.The Handbook provides practitioners with guidance material including diagrams, tables and examples to enhance their understanding and application of the livable housing provisions.The Voluntary Standard is a set of non-mandatory technical provisions that if complied with will enable dwellings to better meet the needs of the community, including older people and people with mobility limitations. This Voluntary Standard has been adapted from the ‘Gold’ level provisions of the Livable Housing Design Guidelines (LHDG, 4th ed. 2017), published by Livable Housing Australia.The ABCB Standard for Livable Housing Design is adapted from the ‘Silver’ level of the LHDG. Minor editorial changes have recently been made to the Standard, so check you have the current version for reference.

Where can I find more guidance?

Our resource library and news section are a good place to start if you’re looking for more support and guidance on livable housing design.

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