Centre for Social Impact – Research and Resources

Centre for Social Impact



The Centre for Social Impact is a collaboration of three universities: UNSW Sydney, Swinburne University of Technology, The University of Western Australia.

CSI was established through the generosity of the Australian government, four founding corporate supporters and four philanthropic contributions.

The Centre for Social Impact was established in 2008 under the leadership of our founding Chief Executive Officer, Peter Shergold.

A collaboration of three university partners, the Centre for Social Impact has expanded from its central Sydney-based team to a network of teachers, researchers, communicators and administration teams located at UNSW Sydney, Swinburne University of Technology and The University of Western Australia.

CSI develops and bring together knowledge to understand current social challenges and opportunities to create a better world.

CSI works ethically and with rigour, across disciplines and with our research partners, ensuring people, community and organisations are central.

The CSI website provides access to housing-related research, tools and guides relevant to organisational and workforce development for the human services sector.

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