At Shelter Scotland, they don’t provide houses, but they do provide answers.
From homelessness to the homeowner, Shelter Scotland housing advice for everyone.
Shelter Scotland services, policy & research and campaign teams come together to create the best possible outcomes for people in housing need.
Shelter provides practical support and advice to people experiencing bad housing or homelessness, by informing professionals, and by campaigning for legislative change.
The rights of tenants in Scotland are strongly embedded in legislation.
This legislation and its enactment since the 1980’s has led to the rights of tenants to have a say in many aspects of their housing as renters / tenants.
One of these outcomes has been improved quality standards of rental housing in Scotland.
A level of accountability between landlords and the tenant has a level of reciprocity that leads to a fairer and more balanced relationship and enhanced tenancy sustainment.
Home Resources Tools and Resources Guides and Templates International Demonstration of a Strong and Integrated Tenancy Support System
International Demonstration of a Strong and Integrated Tenancy Support System
Shelter Scotland Publication Date
1 January 2021 Paid