No to Violence works with men who use family violence, and the sector that supports them to change their abusive and violent behaviour.

No to Violence NTV



No to Violence [NTV] has worked directly with men who use family violence for 25 years.

It is based in Melbourne Victoria Australia. It has a 1300 number access to phone support.

NTV is the largest peak body in Australia for organisations and individuals who work with men to end family violence. The NTV team works for members and the community through:

No to Violence works across its members, colleagues, the family violence sector and governments to develop and advocate for best practice policy in stopping men’s use of family violence. Their research and policy team is committed to positively affecting change in the community.


No to Violence is a provider of training and professional development for the men’s family violence sector, as well as working with other organisations to embed support that enables men to stop violence and abusive behaviour. This builds over 20 years working in partnership with Swinburne University, has launched the Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Male Family Violence) in 1999.

Sector development

No to Violence works closely with its members and across the national sector to establish best practice for everyone who works with men who use violence. A strong sector is essential for ending men’s use of family violence, and by leveraging and elevating the voices of our membership we strengthen the sector.

Men’s Referral Service
A men’s family violence telephone counselling, information and referral service operating around the country and is the central point of contact for men taking responsibility for their violent behaviour.

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