There is no ‘one size fits all’ method for evaluating place-based approaches. Evaluation needs to be situation specific and based on the collective needs of community and stakeholders.
The place-based evaluation framework and toolkit has been designed to help communities and diverse partners implementing place-based approaches. The framework and toolkit have been developed in way that they can be applied to place-based approaches with different levels of complexity and resourcing.
This nationally applicable place-based evaluation framework and toolkit were commissioned by the Queensland Government Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors and the Australian Government Department of Social Services, and applied to Logan Together as a proof-of-concept.
It was developed through a co-design process with input from over 100 practitioners and evaluators, led by Clear Horizon in partnership with the Australian Centre for Social Innovation, Collaboration for Impact and Community Services Industry Alliance.
The framework is relevant for planning, establishing and implementing the initial, middle and later years of place-based approaches. It outlines practical steps and things to consider when designing evaluation solutions. It also provides guidance and tools to help users to evaluate the processes, changes, impact and principles of place-based approaches.
The place-based evaluation framework outlines clear guidance on:
- scoping evaluation projects at different phases of a place-based approach
- setting up evaluation for multi-site place-based approaches
- ensuring cultural capability in evaluation approaches
- developing a theory of change and principles to guide the evaluation
- selecting key evaluation questions, indicators and measures
- ensuring ethical conduct of evaluations
- planning resources required for an evaluation.