Sign up for updates on the Campaign and join in the actions to see key strategies become public policy at all levels of government and across sectors in Australia.
1. See a copy of the Submission to the Inquiry into housing affordability and supply in Australia
The Federal Government must Incorporate Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, fund targeted measures to increase affordable housing stock earmarked for older people, and incrementally remove Capital Gains Tax and Negative Gearing to create an equitable housing market.
2. At-Risk Forum:
Full Recording and Breakout Sessions
This is the full recording of the At-Risk Forum on Older Women and Homelessness held on September 17th.
The playlist includes the full introduction and political panel, breakout sessions on Family Violence, Local-Scale Solutions, Influencing for Change, as well as the conclusion of the forum.
Skip through to find the breakout sessions of interest to you.
The Ageing on the Edge – Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project is extending HAAG’s work across Australia.
In response to rapidly increasing housing problems facing older people, the project aims to raise awareness and improve services and housing for older people at risk of homelessness.