Homelessness and social housing need Everybody’s Home Campaign Look up your local federal electorate

Everybody's Home
Publication Date
15 November 2021



Every night almost 120,000 Australians are homeless in Australia.

Homelessness affects every part of our country.

The best way to help end homelessness is to provide more social housing for people who need a home.

But Australia has a shortfall of 433,400 social housing properties.

Look for your state and federal electorate below to find out how many people are homeless and how much social housing is needed near you.

And tell the Treasurer he needs to invest in more social housing!

These maps have been produced for Homelessness Australia and Everybody’s Home

Data analysis kindly provided by Dr Ryan Van Den Nouwelant, Urban and Regional Research Program, University of Western Sydney

When you go to the website you can select your state below the map and hover over your electorate.

This will provide you with valuable information about the housing and homelessness situation in your chosen electorate.

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