Brisbane Synthesis Series

Session 4: Preventing Exits from Institutions to Homelessness Forum

Event Date: Wednesday 30th April 2025

Keynote Speaker: Dr Gregory P Smith OAM

Focus on four areas: exits from prison, from hospital, from immigration detention, and from out-of-home care. While experiences differ, we know that without access to stable housing and appropriate support, exiting to homelessness is an indicator of poor life outcomes.

This event will explore solutions, share successful models and best practice. We will feature insights from those with lived experience, policy experts and knowledgeable colleagues. Intensive table workshops will promote creative conversations, collaborations and problem solving across sectors.

Report will follow post event

Register here

Session 3: Tenancy Sustainment

Event Date: Friday 13th September 2024

Keynote speaker: Professor Cameron Parsell – School of Social Science – University of Queensland

Tenancy sustainment support is an essential part of preventing homelessness. More widely, the approach to tenancy management, service integration and other enablers such as brokerage are needed to ensure a system-wide and embedded approach to sustaining tenancies and ending homelessness.

This session includes speakers to set the scene and then a working session to co-design a support program and other system features contributing to sustainable housing outcomes and therefore an end to homelessness.

Join Q Shelter to help design an approach to tenancy sustainment while also being inspired by what is already working well as a basis for designing the future.

Session 2: Reducing Client Disengagement in Homelessness Interventions

Event Date: Friday 7th June 2024

Keynote speaker: Professor Cameron Parsell – School of Social Science – University of Queensland

This workshop and forum was run for anyone working in the Brisbane service system, trying to address the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The session examined disengagement and its possible causes. Through a presentation, panel, and workshop, our guests exchanged ideas on how system and practice-level interventions can and do make a difference.

This event followed the Brisbane Service Integration Deep Dive that was held first to explore future priorities for the Brisbane initiative. Feedback from our exploration of how system-wide interventions could help reduce disengagement will be presented shortly from this session so stay tuned.

Session 1: Brisbane Service Integration Workshop

Event Date: Tuesday 6th February 2024

This initial workshop invited place-based, multi-disciplinary care coordinators based in Brisbane to come together.

The goal for the group was to enhance service coordination in Brisbane by refining and optimising services to better meet community needs, aligned with broader goals for improved efficiency and effectiveness.

During the session we explored ways to strengthen the Service Integration Initiative in Brisbane. We identified what is working well and using insights from the room we pinpointed areas for improvement and focus in 2024.

Through the participation of the group we outlined our goals to:

  • Develop stronger structures addressing the housing and homelessness support needs of our community
  • Build a more coordinated and supportive environment for those seeking assistance